im in
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:01:21 AM
Jul 07, 2020 | HANSON
This month we are inviting all our members to join us in a online scavenger hunt, and we're calling it Explorer!
Check in your pins to find the next hint, I may be hard to find but I love to swim
NOTE: All refrences to time in any hints are based off of Tulsa Time, or US, CT Zone
We clearly love games, from Hansonopoly to Freakout, but we are not alone, the team has some major game enthusists, and we figured some of you are probably too. We want this hunt to be a fun activity that will put a smile on your face, and bring all of us together even when we are far apart.
Happy Hunting!
Ivy McCarty / Louisville, Kentucky, US
Let's get this party started! ? I'll be back... a bit later than now.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:05:57 AM
Rachel Gallegos / Whitewater, California, US
since it's under tour i'm guessing it would be on the calendar page as something to check in to.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:09:15 AM
Deanna Raymond / Dayton, Nevada, US
Ummmm. I'm ready to start, but I'm not sure what is "hard to find but loves to swim." I am heading to bed, so hopefully my dreams will guide me in this quest. I'll be right back after a few hours of sleep. Thank you Hanson, for this convenient distraction from this stressful time in all of our lives. I'll be back soon. Becoming a member has proven to be a wonderful investment. Best $40 I've spent all year!!!!
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:09:20 AM
Rachel Gallegos / Whitewater, California, US
MamaJive i think it's okay for us to share clues? but i wouldn't give it all away cus some people like the hunt of it? I'm also think i know what it is but i don't want to ruin it if i'm right and people want to figure it out on their own
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:18:39 AM
Elyse Glenn / Happy Valley Hong Kong, NSW, HK
So I found what I think it is... but I'm confused by the message once I found it...Now what do I do without ruining it for others?! I want to get this pin! lol
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:21:18 AM
Deanna Raymond / Dayton, Nevada, US
Ok, so we have to look in our pins. Has that swan/bird pin always been there? I'm new at this people! I will need help. said we can help each other. So........ There is something about 14:20. If that is military time, cool....I may be WAY off though.... But, "Why should I worry??? Why should I care???"
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:24:53 AM
Deanna Raymond / Dayton, Nevada, US
I meant to write "14:40."
It's there...
Let's do this people!
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:26:46 AM
Josee Villeneuve / Victoria, BC, CA
I dont have a swan bird pin. Do they unlock with our time zones?
I also need help. Lol
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:27:15 AM
Rachel Gallegos / Whitewater, California, US
i'm hoping it's military time in tulsa time CST so cough all come back here in about 13 ish hours.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:27:17 AM
Jen Plant / Nottingham, Notts, GB
There’s 1440 hours in my day.....
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:31:17 AM
Josee Villeneuve / Victoria, BC, CA
Yeah! Team work makes the dream work y'all!
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:31:55 AM
Deanna Raymond / Dayton, Nevada, US
I'll be back in 13ish hours Rachel! I may be WAAAAAY off though. It's just fun in the mean time. " It will come to you, ohhhhhh ooohh it will come to you!!!"
"When the night is dark and stormy, you won't have to reach out for me, I will come to you ohhhhhh ooohh, the hint will come to you!"
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:34:51 AM
Ivy McCarty / Louisville, Kentucky, US
The swam bird pin is the Hanson version of a Mockingjay from the Hunger Games. It was awarded for buying ticket for Hday the first day they went on sale. Not related to this game.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:34:58 AM
Josee Villeneuve / Victoria, BC, CA
@jenni do you mean to say u think its in the media player?
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:35:01 AM
I think I know it what it is, just not sure what to do with it. Even after some suggestions from Zac. I guess I check back at that time and see if there is more to the hint.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:36:29 AM
Jen Plant / Nottingham, Notts, GB
@serendipity maybe. I just know that you guys in the US don’t use military time everyday so I thought there must be something to it..... although I didn’t think until now that it might be there now I and not at 14:40......
I did think that was unfair on UK fans... that would be really late for us...
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:39:01 AM
Gemma Adams / Kent, Uk, GB
I'm so confused. Can anyone help me? X
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:39:53 AM
Lauren Sass / Owings Mills, MD, US
Pretty sure the new pin is a pic of a wonderful creature... who is definitely real and definitely not a large catfish (not a bird either.) And she's Scottish. Kinda hoping she's hanging out on Tulsa time. (Although I just learned they're only 5hrs ahead of EST in Scotland. So, yay new knowledge)
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:39:58 AM
Jen Plant / Nottingham, Notts, GB
I’m listening to it now... no pin.
Man, I’m waaaay too competitive for my own good sometimes.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:40:45 AM
Rachel Gallegos / Whitewater, California, US
@ jen SAME i'm like can i get it first for being up now? then i was like i'm pretty sure 14:40 is a time we need to be on.
Posted Jul 7, 2020 01:42:19 AM
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Rachel Gallegos / Whitewater, California, US
Okay whos on to start this hunt?
Posted Jul 7, 2020 05:59:40 AM