HANSON: Summer Adventures

Jul 11, 2024 | Hanson

For many around the world we are in the midst of our summer adventures. Whether you are enjoying a stay-cation and chilling out on the back porch or venturing off to a sandy beach to craft sandcastles, to the backdrop of crashing waves this is the time of year for a bit of RnR and family time. We hope you are able to find that sunny escape whatever location you find yourself in.
Speaking of sunshine and beaches, here in the land of HANSON we are excited to announce this week that the Back To The Island 2025 is sold out! This is of course great for those that are coming and it lets us know that many people around the world are excited to celebrate the new year with us for our island escape. We also know there are still some folks that may be disappointed they were not able to get a spot so keep in mind we will continue to wait list possible guests in case any rooms open up. For all who will join us to return to the Island in 2025, we can’t wait to see you there for all the festivities.
For the band what is ahead for us this summer is not only quiet and sunshine, but we are headed to Scandinavia for shows in Finland and Norway and we are very excited to see many fans in new places we have never visited before. Beyond our summer adventures we know that the fall tour will be upon us sooner than we think so don’t miss out on getting tickets for the Underneath Experience Tour across North America and also the special Christmas Ball concerts in our hometown at Cains Ballroom this December.
Many great things are ahead this year and we appreciate your excitement, engagement and participation in the Hanson.net community.
As always, thanks for listening and have a great week.
Taylor, Isaac and Zac


Forum Comments

Mostly enjoying the summer but looking forward to fall???☕️ Excited for our girls trip to Nashville to see you guys! (We were fortunate to get both nights + afterparty☺️) I hope you all enjoy your break and adventures! ❤️??

Posted Jul 11, 2024   04:13:50 PM


Kay Leanne / Bradford, West Yorkshire, GB

Summer ?! The UK has forgotten what the sun is this year unfortunately. Thankfully I managed a nice get away to Calella ??☀️

Posted Jul 11, 2024   04:15:50 PM

Could you publish some videos from BTTI 2024? 

Thanks ??❤️

Posted Jul 11, 2024   04:46:23 PM

Summer is a very sensitive word here in Ireland!!! let's just say the plants are getting well fed this year so far ? I'm glad to hear use are taking some well deserved time to enjoy yours with the family.i head to Paris/Disney land in a couple of weeks with the family,1st holiday abroad in 16 years so very exciting ? I must say that is one impressive sandcastle,I'm sure a lot of time and patience went into making that or blood,sweat and tears ? i hope you all continue to enjoy your summer x

Posted Jul 11, 2024   05:04:06 PM

thank u guys so much se u in toronto yehh tay my heero guy

Posted Jul 11, 2024   06:02:59 PM


Ashley Pesek / Newport-News, Virginia, US


Looks like from Taylor's canoning and zac you at the beach everyone seems to be having a very relaxed summer. Me on the other hand I've ne.ver seen so much family this summer in my entire life visting in North Carolina. Ive been having a great summer with neices and friends and goning to the beach its been a real treat. Good for everyone who sold out BTTI can't wait to hear more about that later in the year. Hope everyone is making summer memories to the fullest I know I am. Love you guys so much ♥️??

Posted Jul 11, 2024   06:03:58 PM

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Hmm. What's up with signing this...Taylor, Isaac and Zac?  Isaac always is first.

Posted Jul 11, 2024   07:35:41 PM

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Big brother, that is.

Posted Jul 11, 2024   07:36:06 PM


Bronwyn Lee Huntbach / Melbourne, Victoria, AU

I love the photo of the sandcastle Zac 

Wish it was Summer here in Melbourne as it’s been very cold well ok freezing temperatures I’m counting down the days to it’s summer again

Posted Jul 11, 2024   09:40:58 PM



Now that is a sand castle! Wow!

 Amazing work ❤️

Enjoy your summer adventures! ?

Posted Jul 12, 2024   02:58:50 AM


Pia Pelli / YLÖJÄRVI, -, FI

Finland mentioned. Makes my heart burst from happiness. Only one week to go! ❤️

Posted Jul 12, 2024   03:04:32 AM

My sand castles don't look like that ? 

Posted Jul 12, 2024   07:04:04 AM


Fanny Poppy / Paris, Ile de france, FR

Happy holidays guys. Enjour your precious time :o)

Posted Jul 12, 2024   09:44:58 AM


Wow what a sand castle!? Looks like Dubrovnik! 

Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows ??

Enjoy your vacays and we'll see you SOON! ? But don't think about that just yet, now it's time to load your Batteries? 

Torille! ? 

Posted Jul 12, 2024   09:57:27 AM


sharlotte baine / mableton, Georgia, US

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I wished my Sandcastles looked like that lol

Posted Jul 12, 2024   11:01:33 AM


Christina Robles / New Philadelphia, PA, US


Yes I love this 

Posted Jul 12, 2024   01:48:23 PM


Natalie Struck / Saskatoon, SK, CA

Can we get sandcastle instructional time at Hanson Day next year? Thanks! This is AMAZING! 

Posted Jul 12, 2024   08:01:57 PM


Sinead Caslin Cregg / Elphin, Co. Roscommon, IE

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Have a great summer ☀️ send some sun to us in Ireland please ?? ? 

Posted Jul 23, 2024   02:22:02 PM

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