Mad Max Fury Road

Jun 02, 2015 | ZacHanson

a few nights ago I went to see Mad Max Furry Road.  Not because I wanted to, but because it was a friends birthday and he wanted to see it, so I tagged along. 

“Zac slow down man... don’t sound so excited!"

I know the history of the Mad Max franchise. I have seen the original trilogy, more then once.  They have always been the kinda movies I would watch but not put on, so I had my expectations set accordingly as I took my seat.  Fury Road starts almost with no explanation, a few sentences of voiceover from Tom Hardy, he eats a lizard and your off to the races roaring down the desert landscape cars, fire, explosions!  a few minutes reprieve for a tiny bit of plot set up, and then you are racing down Fury Road, and you won’t stop until the movie ends.  Fury Road is a great looking movie, with just the right balance of Sci-fi apocalyptic punk madness, and a none stop raging guitar soundtrack to boot.  Probably the biggest short coming is the lack of dialog.  In a two hour movie the script is the same lengthas a middle school book report.  But in a way the bravado of a movie with no script and the simplicity of the films plot (run, run, run) is I found refreshing.

If you like the original Mad Max Trilogy this is the best one yet.  If you are looking for a solid action movie, this will leave you satisfied.  If you like stores about a Dystopian future, you will probably like Mad Max Fury Road.

Forum Comments

I personally like your media reviews.  :)  

Posted Jun 4, 2015   05:23:26 PM


Kerry Abbott / Middle of Nowhere, TN, US

1 1

I might have to give in to my curiosity and see it because movies that are visually appealing are always better on the big screen.

Posted Jun 4, 2015   12:27:00 PM


Kari Zerfass / Escondido, CA, US

Interesting.... I've never even heard of it. ***Covering my eyes emoji***

Posted Jun 4, 2015   12:31:11 PM


Amanda Gasser / Simpsonville, South Carolina, US


I haven't really seen the movies, but I have seen the preview made to look like a Mario Kart race and that was pretty fantastic :)

Posted Jun 4, 2015   12:47:40 PM


Tara Stringer / Lindsay, Ontario, CA

Love your review. Probably won't see the movie but still good to know for those "I've heard it's this" moments. 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   12:48:49 PM


Kaitlin Walbright / Reynoldsburg, OH, US

i love "zac goes to the movies" posts. i feel like they are the only ones with no paycheck on the line to say the movie was fantastic.

that said: im impressed with the lack of typos and spelling errors. well done, sir

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:04:55 PM

Didn't even know it was a movie before --- I have a complementary ticket for rejoining the cinema club (before a few weeks ago I hadn't been in nine years) so I'm trying to find something worthy of it... I'll look around. The new Elizabeth Olsen movie starts on Friday...

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:09:24 PM


Sara Steines / Black River Falls, WI, US

aw my husband loved the mad max movies as a kid and keeps telling me we need to see this one. it seems very visually pleasing to me, kinda looking forward to seeing it...probably just once though :)

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:13:15 PM


Suze Robertson / Dallas, TX, US

I always think of Tina Tuner her song  "We Don't Need Another Hero" when I heard about the new Mad Max ..Wasn't a huge fan of the trilogies either but I did like her contribution.Thank you for the review Zac ! :) 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:14:55 PM


Paola Rizzato / Glasgow, Scotland, GB


I second @Kait's post but I'd also like to add - I really miss your regular updates on the books you're reading. Can you start sharing that with us again please? :)

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:15:27 PM


Kaitlin Walbright / Reynoldsburg, OH, US

i still say we should start a book club.

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:16:29 PM



I've seen the preview a few times, but not the movie.  Charlize Theron is quite the bad*** in it!  We opted for a comedy instead and saw Pitch Perfect 2 a couple nights ago.  ...We knew it was coming, but that little Hansony surprise made us smile, along with the Green Bay Packers...  It's pretty funny.  :)    

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:24:23 PM

I am probably one of the strange ones who has never seen the Mad Max movies. Bits & pieces of the Mel Gibson ones, yes, but to full watch them, no. Maybe I will check out the originals & see what I have been missing out on.

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:28:37 PM


Kerry Abbott / Middle of Nowhere, TN, US

1 1

@TheWanderer I love that idea! 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:35:58 PM


Sarah Humphrey / Saint John, New Brunswick, CA

I actually loved this movie! I found it to be a pretty great feminist film and the lack of diologue set a kind of...operatic tone! 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:36:39 PM


Florencia Ortiz / Buenos aires, Buenos aires, AR

Im gonna second @asphodelia & @TheWanderer also miss and love the books updates. I think Zac needs to get a Goodreads account. 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   01:53:42 PM


francesca gulinatti / codogno, lo, IT

I am gonna agree with all the ones saying how much they like Zac review! Love them, even when I don't care about the movie, like this one. I wish you wrote us about books again, though.

Posted Jun 4, 2015   02:09:09 PM


Paola Carnelli / North Bay Village , Florida, US


I haven't seeing it yet, but I will this weekend. I love Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron ;-) Oh and thanks for the review Zac! 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   02:09:18 PM


Iesha Taitague / Glendale, Arizona, US

had no idea what it was and me the hubs went to see it. i knew it was some sort of video game at one point. i loved the beginning to end action. Charlize though <3

Posted Jun 4, 2015   02:10:41 PM


Bella Rodrigues / Santos, Sao Paulo, BR


This one is the kinda movie you have to watch at a movie theater, not at home. Still, the original trilogy is my fave. Not surprised but got my attention.

Posted Jun 4, 2015   02:15:00 PM

A lack of dialog can be good or bad, depending on how it affects the movie. I like movies that focus on the image and all regarding the art involved in it, but sometimes too much lack of conversation pisses me off a bit... I will have to watch the movie to judge. Until then, I will say that, when a script is well written, no matter how many words it has in it, it can do wonderful things in its own, despite all the pretty stuff of camera and visual effects that frame the whole thing.

Posted Jun 4, 2015   02:16:55 PM

I personally like your movie reviews more than your book reviews. I want to watch the movie too. Thanks for this great review Zac!

Posted Jun 4, 2015   02:29:42 PM


Kaytee Rose / Beaumont, Alberta, CA


I saw it last weekend and kind of thought the same thing and I haven't seen the first two so I should probably get on that. I liked the "run run run" as you say because there was never a moment to get bored. Some WTF moments confused me a little (the older women and the milk....and the guy playing the guitar on the back of the truck the entire time) but I think watching the other two will lessen the WTF effect. Overall, I liked it and would see it again....and probably again.

Posted Jun 4, 2015   02:41:39 PM


Megan Campbell / Brunswick, Victoria, AU

Did someone say explosions?! George Miller does a mean car-based-desert-dystopia film. 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   03:10:03 PM

Am I the only one who has never heard of this trilogy? Woops. 

Posted Jun 4, 2015   03:15:14 PM

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