HANSON: Podcast Returns In March!

Feb 23, 2023 | HANSON

After another week of prep, we are finally ready to start recording the 2023 HANSON.net EP. Yes, you’re gonna have to wait until May to hear it, but by all means put it on your calendar and join us for the world premiere that kicks off our HANSON Day events. While you wait for new music, we are not gonna leave you hanging  It’s HANSON Time! Back by we like doing it demand, next week, HTP returns for 2023. Games, music, interviews, weather and a whole lot more. Look for new episodes to drop the first Friday of every month as we make our way to May and HANSON Day!
Isaac, Taylor and Zac


Forum Comments

Yay so excited 

Posted Feb 23, 2023   06:14:43 PM


Alyce Garcia-Carls / Williamston, MI, US

Judging by that cardigan Zac is rockin', I'm guessing a heavy metal vibe for the new EP. lol

Posted Feb 23, 2023   06:36:20 PM


Maylynn Kish / Taylor, Pennsylvania, US

Yay. I can’t wait

Posted Feb 23, 2023   06:37:39 PM


So awesome! Love the HTP hopefully one of these days, I get a chance to ask my questions they are really fun and I have not heard them asked before!

Posted Feb 23, 2023   06:49:55 PM


Kylie Haymaker / Falls Church, Virginia, US


@Treehugger513, I wouldn't mind lol. Emo/pop-punk is the genre I'm vibing to currently.

Posted Feb 23, 2023   07:10:11 PM


Aline Gonçalves Bomfim Bispo / Salvador, Bahia, BR

With each post I get more excited about the new EP! I love seeing the making of recordings. Please don't delay posting the making of!!

Posted Feb 23, 2023   07:54:27 PM


Melanie Falcon / Louisville, Kentucky, US

So excited! I love listening to HTP!

Posted Feb 23, 2023   07:57:00 PM


Amber Ganoe / Irondale, AL, US


Posted Feb 23, 2023   08:23:32 PM


Bronwyn Lee Huntbach / Melbourne, Victoria, AU

I Prefer Isaac’s podcasts as I find them really interesting - can they make a comeback please

Posted Feb 23, 2023   08:29:18 PM


Ashley Pesek / Tacoma, Washington, US

 I get more excited about the new EP with each post. Really enjoy Isaac's podcast too. Well I guess I can wait until may but still very excited about it all.❤️💚💙

Posted Feb 23, 2023   08:33:20 PM


Huzzah! 👏🥰🎼💗🎶 {ᶫᵒᵛᵉᵧₒᵤ}•..ᕙʕ^ﻌ‎ ~ʔᕗ

Posted Feb 23, 2023   10:42:41 PM

I’m excited for HTP coming back 

Posted Feb 23, 2023   10:52:54 PM

👏👏👏 Excited about the return of HTP and very excited about the new EP. Also looking forward to hopefully some “Making of...” videos for the EP. I always enjoy the BTS/making of process videos. ❤️💚💙

Posted Feb 23, 2023   11:52:49 PM

Love HTP - can’t wait! 🥳

Posted Feb 24, 2023   01:54:32 AM



Love a HTP. Always so much fun. Thank you for bringing them back ❤️🎼

Posted Feb 24, 2023   03:34:53 AM


lea geldard / Woodkirk, West Yorkshire, GB

I cannot wait for these to come back in my life, they have been sorely missed 💙

Posted Feb 24, 2023   04:28:01 AM


Jennifer Newell / Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, CA

Love the HTPs .. thank you 😃

Posted Feb 24, 2023   09:22:13 AM


That's great news! HTP is so much fun!

Posted Feb 24, 2023   02:36:40 PM


Carrie Gilbert / Halifax, Nova Scotia, CA

I've been missing HTP-this is great news! Looking forward to the new EP as well!

Posted Feb 24, 2023   02:37:13 PM



Yay!! HTP is the best! :D 

Posted Feb 24, 2023   03:58:47 PM


Glauciane Monteiro / Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, BR


Posted Feb 24, 2023   07:29:05 PM


Luyza Morais / São Paulo, SP, BR

Can’t wait!🫶

Posted Feb 24, 2023   10:18:13 PM


Kaitlin Walbright / Reynoldsburg, OH, US

can't wait to be part of another htp live in may! i dont know how im so lucky, this is my second year in a row getting the coveted ticket

Posted Feb 24, 2023   11:42:09 PM

yeh cant wait yes tay the best guy ever

Posted Feb 25, 2023   10:00:00 AM


Aline Gonçalves Bomfim Bispo / Salvador, Bahia, BR

I'm waiting!!!  🎵 😂 ❤💚💙

Posted Feb 25, 2023   06:22:52 PM

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