I am so happy for you that the concert halls fill up as much and especially as fast. I'll see you on June 5 in Paris !!! I kiss you ;)
Posted Mar 23, 2017 02:52:02 PM
Mar 23, 2017 | HANSON
We have been blown away by the response to the Middle Of Everywhere World Tour. It feels like every day we hear about more shows selling out! It feels so good to know that all of the summer and fall we will be traveling playing shows, and there is even more coming. US, Canada and European shows are on sale now, Australia and New Zealand just went up for Pre-Sale and we are working on the South American Leg of the tour.
The world tour has been at the forefront of everything we are doing, but every adventure needs a great theme song. In the next few weeks we will be sharing more about our new song, I Was Born, and how the message of the song represents so much of our outlook on making music for 25 years and where and when you can get your hands on it.
From MMMBop to I Was Born, we have always been shooting for the stars, who knew that sometimes you hit what you are aiming for.
Isaac, Taylor and Zac
sandy monnerat / Châlons-en-Champagne, Champagne-Ardenne, FR
I am so happy for you that the concert halls fill up as much and especially as fast. I'll see you on June 5 in Paris !!! I kiss you ;)
Posted Mar 23, 2017 02:52:02 PM
South America!!!! Yeah!!! please come to Chile! we miss you guys here!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 03:00:29 PM
Stephanie Lee / Maple Valley, WA, US
So happy for you guys!! This is going to be an amazing year!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 03:45:15 PM
I have had this song stuck in my head since hearing it at SXSW! It is a great song! And a great theme song for the tour!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 04:12:22 PM
Florencia Ortiz / Buenos aires, Buenos aires, AR
South America! Hoppellu the announce is sooner than later. Everybody is going crazy around here because all the waiting!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 04:17:41 PM
I think I speak for all of us, when I say that we are all super excited that you're doing so well with selling out dates for this tour! Every day that we see another sold out show, we applaud the phenomenal work you guys are doing.
We can't wait to see you on tour! It's 6 months of anticipation for us to the day for us in VA.
See you guys soon.
Posted Mar 23, 2017 04:40:40 PM
Natalie Vasta / FORT MYERS, FL, US
I am so excited I can't wait to see you guys in Saint Petersburg
Posted Mar 23, 2017 04:46:44 PM
So excited to finally be able to see you guys on tour!!! I've been waiting for this kind of tour for a long time! See you in six months! :) Fanson for life. <3
Posted Mar 23, 2017 05:09:27 PM
Melissa Browning / PORTLAND, OR, US
I can't get over seeing so many shows sell out. It makes me so happy! And to be able to say, "I knew them when..." and followed them the entire way! I can't wait to see you guys at Hday and then on the road. I also CAN'T wait to hear the studio version of 'I Was Born' and get my hands on it!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 05:39:17 PM
I still think "Shooting For The Stars" will be the name of the new memberkit EP
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:03:06 PM
Stacey King / Auckland, New Zealand, NZ
So excited to see you guys in Auckland again!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:35:38 PM
I am looking forward to downloading a copy of "I Was Born", that song is so catchy! I have been watching the SXSW performances on You Tube.
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:38:38 PM
Amanda McLeroy / Kennesaw, GA, US
My Dad looked at my husband (boyfriend at the time) and said dont worry about that Hanson business she'll eventually grow out of that. He couldn't have been more wrong and my husband has gone to 8 of your concerts with me :)
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:38:48 PM
Taise Gasparin / Taubaté, SP, BR
Good news, guys! I know we've been boring you about that leg of the tour a lot. It's because we can't wait!!!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:45:43 PM
I just saw the title of this blog. Whirlwind is right! A world tour normally takes two years, and a Hanson year does stretch from May to May, but does this mean that the whole world is going to fit into seven months? I guess - seven continents (although Hanson hinted in Tulsa last year that they might not go to Antarctica) in seven months?
That still leaves South America, Asia, Australasia, and a TINY blog of land stretching from 33 degrees south to 33 degrees north.
But really... this is a lot all crammed into a few months. It's going to be fun doing tour updates.
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:47:01 PM
thank u so much hanson awe you guys rock tays my man too.
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:53:28 PM
Amanda, that's great -- if I can find a wife like that one day I'll be lucky
Posted Mar 23, 2017 06:56:19 PM
Rocio Moran Gaxiola / Ciudad de México, CDMX, MX
Come back to Mexico!?
Posted Mar 23, 2017 07:18:11 PM
ashlee tagmyer / bel air, maryland, US
This post just made me really happy. I'm so proud to have been a fan of you guys for so long. You guys are just so open and honest and do it for all the right reasons. This is why I will forever be a fanson :)
Posted Mar 23, 2017 07:45:52 PM
Paola Carnelli / North Bay Village , Florida, US
So excited about all this! Congrats on so many sold outs shows :) See you in May at Hanson Day and then in September at the Nashville and St. Petersburg shows, and in October at the NYC and Boston shows. Oh and if you play at Epcot, I see you in Orlando. LOL! Can't wait!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 07:54:39 PM
I was just thinking how I would love to have a copy of I Was Born. It's such a great track and it's already in my head all the time. Can't wait! And super excited to see all those sold out dates - what a tour this will be!!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 08:07:12 PM
I think the fans are as excited as Hanson for the sold out shows and all that will be happening this year. I can't wait till May to get it all started.
Posted Mar 23, 2017 08:46:24 PM
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I'm so thrilled to be able to attend this momentous occasion in Detroit, Michigan! It will be my very first Hanson concert, one day after my 57th (yikes!) birthday. Thank you in advance for a great time!
Posted Mar 23, 2017 07:47:57 PM