Pokémon Invasion!

Jul 12, 2016 | ZacHanson

For nearly a week I have been noticing an abnormal number of people walking the streets of downtown Tulsa, and uniformly they all have a smart phone in one hand held out like they are using GPS.  If I was in Tokyo or New York City it might be passable that they were following directions to a trendy café or bar… in Tulsa it can only mean one thing - Pokémon fever.  Be careful 'cause once you catch the fever, you just gotta catch 'em all.

A few weeks ago you might have seen my post talking about the new mobile game, Pokémon Go, regarding my excitement and interest in how modern technology like augmented reality is the wave of the future.  Well do you believe me now? Hahahahahah.

What Is Pokémon Go

It is a free-to-play mobile game that allows you to find Pokémon in the real world using GPS from the phone.  If you choose to, the game will use the camera on your phone to display the Pokémon you are trying to catch as if they are standing right in front of you.  The game consists of three major things:

  1.  Catching Pokémon
  2.  Visiting landmarks to get more Pokeballs
  3.  Fighting with your Pokémon for control the landmarks that have been designated Gyms

Is it fun? Yes and no. Yes because trying to catch and evolve Pokémon is incredibly addictive in a similar way to opening a pack of Pokémon cards or playing one of the never-ending Nintendo DS titles.  The mechanic for catching a new Pokémon is also better then I expected because it does require some skill to aim your shot and land the Pokeball in the correct spot. No because the game does not have enough activities for the midrate to casual player. To say it another way, if you have a job you will never have the time to level up your Pokémon enough to take control of a Gym.

The good news is the game is going really, really well. That means they will for sure be adding new functionality, and one of the first already announced additions is going to be trading your Pokémon. BOOYEAH!

I have enjoyed my time with this and since it is free to play, what’s the harm in inviting all of you to join in?

NOTE: I have already talked to half a dozen random people who were walking around sweating in the Oklahoma heat in search of Pokémon and my take away is this:

  • Open a snow cone stand / feel the burn
  • If Nintendo can keep this going, come winter time Northface is going to have a great year!

Forum Comments


Ashlee Hussey / Tampa, FL, US

Well said! I look forward to you telling us all about how you take over a gym! I'm quite enjoying Pokemon Go! Gotta try to find me a few vulpix so I can evolve them and get a ninetales! 

Posted Jul 12, 2016   11:38:32 PM


Jennifer Walker / Newnan, Georgia, US

10 2

I've seen a million posts about the game. Yours was the best. I would fall under the category of never having time. :

Posted Jul 12, 2016   06:43:17 PM


Shari Pfeffer / Coconut Creek, FL, US


I must be the only one not playing this and not caring about it either. Lol but I'm glad that you are having fun with it!!! 

Posted Jul 12, 2016   06:50:05 PM

I'm hearing that Central Park in NYC is OVERRUN with people Pokemoning (is that a verb?). I'm not playing it but I'm kind of amused at the people-watching opportunity.

Posted Jul 12, 2016   06:59:13 PM


Amanda Koplin / Atlanta, Georgia, US

Shari I'm not playing either. You're not alone!! Im loving seeing all the hilarious tweets about it though

Posted Jul 12, 2016   07:04:27 PM


Ashleigh Friis / Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

I went around my neighborhood for half an hour after work today with the incense and went from 7 pokemon to over 30 and I'm finally at level 5! #teamvalor #orgohome

Posted Jul 12, 2016   07:07:45 PM


I have always loved games but being o' school, I unfortunately don't catch on to all this modern technology  so quickly like most and my motivation and excitement playing games always came with always playing with somebody and having opponents or team players so all this modern gaming solo stuff..I'm kinda a late bloomer but I enjoy your reviews and the way you bring someone who might not have a clue right into it by how well you explain the game and how it all works...sold!  I'm in..I'm gonna see if I can give it a shot! It sounds like fun..I like fun..as always thank you for bringing it!
 A couple of my siblings are surprising me lately, and all into some game called The Room, that they seem to not be able to get enough of.. have you ever heard of it..

Posted Jul 12, 2016   07:08:51 PM

Zac what level are you on? 

Posted Jul 12, 2016   07:17:45 PM

Work is not keeping adults in my office from catching Pokemon.  People wandering around the grounds outside instead of working.  I have never bought into a data plan, my phone is talk and text unless I am in a hotspot.  I feel bad cause I think my son would enjoy the game.  But my wallet remains happy ;)

Posted Jul 12, 2016   07:46:36 PM



Zac's Snow Cones has a nice ring to it.  ;)

Posted Jul 12, 2016   08:39:40 PM


Suze Robertson / Dallas, TX, US

 Unless you have oh idk a job and forced to stay in one location the majority of the day . It's super inconvenient ...what happen to the days of disregarding humanity and the rest of the outside world because you've got a couch and a game boy and that's all you need in life .

This game wants you to go explore the outside world ...why? You know in another week it will be allllllll over social media that someone walked into on coming traffic because they were trying to catch a wild machop O.o 

AND you don't even get to fight the wild Pokemon before you catch him .....LAME! 

Smh It's 2016 and even Pokemons gotten soft .........Thanks Obama 

Posted Jul 12, 2016   08:50:51 PM


Sarah Rogers / Christchurch, Canterbury, NZ

It's only been 4 days and I'm already addicted. Brings back memories from my childhood playing Pokemon on the good ol' Gameboy. Wish I had kept it! So the most important questions, Zac, are what team are you on and what level are you up to?

Posted Jul 12, 2016   09:11:48 PM

Oh great... just one more reason for people to ignore each other and not communicate; or even to shout at someone for losing a life... I'm sorry. I'm happy that the technology is capable of it. It's nice for people to play. I'm just so wary of how phones already take away from human interaction.

Posted Jul 12, 2016   09:12:48 PM



We were in the process of making a right turn in Milwaukee on Sunday when a girl walking with her cellphone in front of her stepped off the curb and kept on walking.  We came close to hitting her.  I'm pretty sure she was playing Pokemon...  Be careful out there!

There have already been several stories on our local news cautioning people to be aware of their surroundings while using the app.  It's easy to fall victim to crime or have an accident because you're not paying attention...  I have a feeling people driving while playing is going to be a big problem...

Posted Jul 12, 2016   09:13:46 PM


Jennifer Reboudo / Uniontown, OH, US

Omg! I am addicted! Been playing since Friday! As a girl, it is a little unnerving when every guy you walk past seems to be asking if you are Pokemon Going and then wants to talk for longer. But I just gotta catch em all! 

I see you caught a Jigglypuff! I caught one today in my own neighborhood or else id be jealous! Really trying for a pikachu though!!! 

Also, what team did you join! Please say yellow! Also, can you imagine the Pokemon that are gonna be in Jamaica! I don't know what I'm more excited for now. You guys or the plethora of water Pokemon I'm gonna be able to catch! 

Posted Jul 12, 2016   09:15:18 PM


Isabella Barros / Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BR

Still waiting for the game to be released to the brazilian app store... While I'm at it, I am addicted to Gordom Ramsay's Dash! Can't stop playing!!!!

Posted Jul 12, 2016   10:12:33 PM


I must admit that I'm a party pooper on this one but then I am not a gamer.

We live in a world full of turmoil and personally I don't see this helping us. I think that PLAY is vital and helpful and rejuvenating and healing and I'm sure this game is fun but someone has spent a lot of time and money making it so and I cant trust that they have done it for the good of our souls or the long term happiness of mankind.

It may be free right now but that may be deliberate to get people involved- It will soon start adding paid features ( maybe) and by then people will be hooked.

I agree with Robyn though that more reasons to hang on to a smart phone and see the world through a screen cant be good for us.

To mix reality with a virtual world has a dangerous aspect to it. We dont observe the reality of our world clearly already and the mind is an easy thing to tease and distort and confuse and addict. I would worry about the development of play which confuses the understanding of reality in the real world. 

The confusion of reality and fantasy is a question and in a world where there is increasing tension and still a lack of so much in terms of appreciation of what and more importantly who is our neighbour, I would question the impact and value of this.

Another reason to stare at a phone cant be good.

I would really worry for children growing up where tech games and more might blurr the lines between fantasy and reality. I would also be concerned that someone unknown is feeding the content and images which could increasingly be interrpreted as "real" and existing as the focus of someones need or desire.

I hope its a fun game for a while that has long term benefits of PLAY for people and brings joy and harmony but the non gamer, technophobe, phone addicted, cynic and conspiracy theorist and human being who longs for more harmony and peace and conversation and less screens in this world, is, as always questioning.

Posted Jul 12, 2016   11:25:10 PM


I just read this to myself and wondered if Im just completely out of touch with the way technology adds colour and fun and community to life.

Maybe the pooper in me should join the party. 

Posted Jul 13, 2016   12:05:27 AM

For those voicing concern this game is another reason for people to have their noses in their phone I'd like to share my own experience with this game thus far. I downloaded this game without ever playing Pokemon in my life. At my core I am a loner. I enjoy behind home over a night out and about. I'm pretty shy making friends and sometimes I even find it really intimidating to do so. I started playing this game this past weekend and I got me out of the house and exploring the neighborhood. Today I went down to the river walk in my town and there was TONS of people out there with groups of friends, couples and families all out there catching Pokemon together. Someone there struck up a convo with me asking if I was also playing the game and we talked a while, they helped me ( i'm such a noob) and we met another group there. I had a GREAT time. I met a couple new friends and everyone was so excited and people were helpful. This may not be everyone's experience but it was mine. Also, to achieve things in the game you have to walk distances. I could use some exercise. I could see this being an incredible incentive to get moving. I'm not saying having your nose in your phone 24/7 is a great thing, I don't agree with over usage of the phone...heck I'm even against taking phones out at dinner. I think there's a time and a place. People need to be cautious and aware of their surroundings. Even the game tells you that when you boot it up. My opinion is...this could be something great for people to get up and out of the house, make new friends and discover new places. More power to anything that is bringing smiles instead of tears these days. Be smart, be safe, take the gaming in moderation and catch 'em all! 

Posted Jul 13, 2016   12:13:28 AM

my husband saw a brigade-sized crowd of soldiers in front of a gym on ft knox lol then yesterday, i was at a park & couldn't believe how many ppl were standing around looking at their phones.  there's never that many ppl in downtown spokane on a monday afternoon !  i knew immediately what was up.  you called it, zac.  i'm telling you, pokemon go might even suck ME in & that's saying a lot 

Posted Jul 13, 2016   12:27:06 AM


Emma Willis / Ōtautahi/Christchurch, Canterbury, NZ


My husband is obsessed. He will claim that he isn't, but I think it's an obsession when he will actually get out of bed at night and run to the end of the street to catch *insert Pokemon name here*! Drives me mental, but I have to remind myself that I do crazy things when I have an obsession too. (For instance, throwing hundreds of dollars at the HNet merch store! Haha.)

I can't even see the appeal behind it myself, but then I've never been a gamer, nor do I have any desire to start now! 

Posted Jul 13, 2016   12:37:43 AM

Just spent the first 2 hours of my 34th birthday wandering the neighborhood in the dark with 2 of my nieces.  I only tripped on a curb once!  My daughter will be happy to see she has been leveled up in the morning.  :)  I had no idea what I was doing for a while and my hands are still numb from the cold, but it was still fun.

Posted Jul 13, 2016   04:10:48 AM


Megan Campbell / Brunswick, Victoria, AU

My friend fell in a mud puddle while Pokemoning in the dark this evening.

Beware. Pokemon GO could make you the laughing stock of your friendship group/very wet/very cold.

Posted Jul 13, 2016   06:06:02 AM

We have a gym right outside my office, but I haven't gotten to level 5 yet and I'm not sure how much more I'll end up playing it for.  It's fine when they show up when I am at my desk, but once I have to start walking and looking at my phone it's trouble.  I fell over the weekend because there were 4 nearby and my phone vibrated so much it totally threw me off balance. One got away while my brother was helping me back up!  Although I did go for a walk with my Mom and put her in charge of my phone and she had fun "killing all the rats and birds"

Posted Jul 13, 2016   07:12:19 AM

I'm on level 10 lol. Found a real quick way to level up today while just sitting at home....use an incense and a magic egg for 30 mins both at the same time and anything you do or catch in that 30 mins, whatever you score it will double. So what I did in that 30 mins was evolve as many of my Pokemon as I could, while also catching any Pokemon the incense attracted and tadaaaaaa my score increased by nearly half a level and the boyfriend got jealous cos I beat his score bahahahahah. 

The key would be though to go to some spots where there are lures and use this magic egg! The levelling up will be crazy then! 

Posted Jul 13, 2016   07:12:26 AM

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