HANSON: On-Sale Monday

Feb 02, 2023 | HANSON

In case you missed it, Monday is the official on-sale for all HANSON Day 2023 ticketed events!

HANSON Day weekend is a wide mix of free and ticketed events, both in person events, and also online, and a few are both! This year, we are taking the opportunity to look back at the first ever Hanson.net event, the recording of Underneath Acoustic 20 years ago. 
It’s a special thing to have so much history. Diving back into an album that was made more than two decades ago really transports you back to that place and time. It is a great reminder of how far we have come, and how many things have been built on the choices in our past.
Whether you're thinking of coming only for the free HDay concert on Saturday Night, or buying a tickets to every event all weekend long, know all members are invited and we can’t wait to host you in Tulsa! 
Isaac, Taylor and Zac


Forum Comments


Ashley Pesek / Tacoma, Washington, US

thinking of coming only for the free HDay concert on Saturday Night, or buying a tickets to every event all weekend long, wow am I reading this right holy wowza. šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ sounds totally worth it all. Hanson you guys are the very best of the best. ā¤ļøšŸ’ššŸ’™

Posted Feb 3, 2023   12:45:49 PM

Really hoping everything goes well and my friend and I can make it to Tulsa to celebrate our first Hanson Day!šŸ™šŸ¤žā˜ŗļøšŸ™ŒšŸŽ‰ But if not, Iā€™ll enjoy the streams and be happy to celebrate my first year being a member for Hanson day! ā¤ļøšŸ’ššŸ’™ Especially looking forward to the new music.Ā 

Posted Feb 3, 2023   01:06:46 PM


Missy Buckman / Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, US

Im planning to come in person to and hopefully I will find flying deals.Ā 

Posted Feb 3, 2023   01:08:49 PM


Megan Kyle / China Grove, NC, US

So so excited for this Hday..knowing that its Underneath themed, helped me decide to go..Underneath has been an album that has helped me through so much over the years as well as it holds a very very special place in my heart šŸ’™

Posted Feb 3, 2023   01:21:44 PM


Bronwyn Lee Huntbach / Melbourne, Victoria, AU

I be doing the livestreamsĀ 

Posted Feb 3, 2023   06:49:12 PM


Jennifer Rae Comstock / Buckley, WA, US

So excited, my friends! I will be enjoying the streams! šŸ˜€

Posted Feb 3, 2023   08:40:51 PM


Cheryl Jones / Annapolis, MD, US

So glad we will be able to do the live stream this year!

Posted Feb 3, 2023   09:01:54 PM


Gina Bentfield / Burns, TN, US


Will be driving from Nashville for my first Hanson Day!! šŸ˜Šā¤ļøšŸ„° CAN NOT WAIT!! Thank you for doing this for your fans!Ā 

Posted Feb 4, 2023   04:03:35 PM


I so wish I could make it but we're going to be moving around that timeframe...boo.Ā  Hoping to catch you guys in Georgia in March to get my Hanson fix!! :D

Posted Feb 4, 2023   07:16:31 PM


Tonie Montgomery / Puyallup, WA, US

13 2

Thank you. Very exciting! Underneath is my fave!

Posted Feb 4, 2023   08:27:23 PM


Karen Maruca / Lake Forest, California, US

I hope I can get tickets to some things.Ā 

Posted Feb 4, 2023   09:41:16 PM


Elizabeth Butler / Effingham, IL, US


I am going no matter what! Ā My friends and family arenā€™t fans and have never wanted to go with me. I didnā€™t wantĀ Ā to go by myself so Iā€™ve never been to Hanson Day. This year I booked a room early and plan to make new friends there!!Ā 

Posted Feb 5, 2023   06:19:40 AM


Samantha Parham / Charlotte, NC, US

Good for you, Elizabeth! Youā€™ll make some Hanson friends in Tulsa, Iā€™m sure of it. See you there!

Posted Feb 5, 2023   05:59:26 PM

Yes! I'm planning on attending and will be going solo as well! Hanson fans are awesome tho! You will meet tons of sweet people!

Posted Feb 5, 2023   09:58:34 PM


Yulia Bogomolova / Wadhurst, East Sussex, GB

4 2

Ladies and gents, do you know if I put three events into the cart, and one of them sells out while I am trying to pay, the payment for the other two won't go through either? I feel like with some events it will be the matter of seconds, rather than minutes.

Posted Feb 6, 2023   06:11:14 AM


Alexis Stempien / Madisonville, KY, US

1 1

I sure hope I can make it next year! So sad I can't this year šŸ˜¢Ā 

Posted Feb 6, 2023   06:59:31 AM


Shona Koehn / Elkhart, IN, US

@YuliaĀ  I think that the tickets are considered "claimed" while they are in your cart, so nobody else can buy them while they are in the cart. Don't quote me on that, but I'm pretty sure the way I ended up getting tickets to something last year after it was already sold out was that someone had tickets in their cart, but then the cart was canceled or timed out or something, so that freed up the tickets.

But I could be totally wrong.Ā ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ

Posted Feb 6, 2023   07:30:50 AM


Yulia Bogomolova / Wadhurst, East Sussex, GB

4 2

@Shona, no, I'll be quoting you on that, and in case I don't get the tickets I want, I will blame you as well, it will hopefully make me feel better. I like to make things personal.
Kidding! Thank you, I hope you are right!

Posted Feb 6, 2023   07:49:34 AM


Shona Koehn / Elkhart, IN, US

LoL... I'll allow it.

Posted Feb 6, 2023   08:08:06 AM


Christina Griffin / London, London, GB

i think there was also an error last year (or the year before when i actually bought them) that several people accidentally had dupes they paid for and as CS were correcting/refunding tickets kept getting added.

Posted Feb 6, 2023   09:03:39 AM

So frustratingā€¦canā€™t buy any Hanson Day tickets because I says Iā€™m not a member but my membership expires in April 2023!

Posted Feb 6, 2023   10:12:33 AM

Hey so my sister and I both have an extra ticket for painting. The times we wanted sold out after only one of us got it. We were able to get a time together, but now we each have these extra tickets that someone else may want! Is there anything we can do??

Posted Feb 6, 2023   10:47:02 AM

We were able to get a time together, but now we each have these extra tickets that someone else may want! Is there anything we can do??

The store is currently working on refunding any multiple ticket purchases. Nothing further needs to be done at this time.

So frustratingā€¦canā€™t buy any Hanson Day tickets because I says Iā€™m not a member but my membership expires in April 2023!

You need to make sure you RSVP on the Calendar page prior to buying tickets.

Posted Feb 6, 2023   11:10:06 AM


Angela Gomola / Punxsutawney, PA, US


Ummm im sure there will be more tickets available but I ended up going to the store website and waiting for an hour and refreshing the page because it said to go to the store then I found out that most tickets are already gone because I was in the wrong place lol I missed the skatercise,karaoke,acoustic underneath htp live . Will there be more tickets available later?

Posted Feb 6, 2023   11:14:10 AM

Will there be more tickets available later?

As the store currently fixes any multiple ticket issues, some event tickets may pop up today, just keep checking back. At this time, other than that occasionally there are a very limited amount of tickets available at registration on a first come first serve basis.

Posted Feb 6, 2023   11:22:58 AM

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