H.net Explorer Week 2 Hint!

Jul 13, 2020 | HANSON

It's week two of H.net Explorer and that means a new riddle to unravel and a new Pin to find. This month we are inviting every member in the Hanson.net community to join us in a online scavenger hunt, and we call it H.net Explorer!


Before Hanson.net or the magazine called M.O.E., you would have to do this to be in the know. A recorded message is what you seek, just pick up the phone and call me this week.


  1. Every Tuesday in July we will post a new hint right here in the Hanson.net Blog.
  2. If you can follow the bread crumbs, and take the right actions you will be awarded a brand new shiny Pin for your display case.
  3. Each Pin will only be available for one week, Tuesday through Monday.
  4. Pins are only awarded to Hanson.net members.
  5. Members are encouraged to work together to find the answer each week. 
  6. Some weeks will have one step, others more
  7. Some Pins will be awarded in batches manually on Monday at the end of the week the hint is given

NOTE: All refrences to time in any hints are based off of Tulsa Time, or US, CT Zone

We had such an overwhelming responce last week, we can only hope you will find this weeks pin to be just as good a find. We you have a blast finding it, that will put a smile on your face, and bring all of us together even when we are far apart.

Happy Hunting!

Forum Comments


Kelli Cloud / Tazewell , Tennessee, US

I've been waiting for this since last week lol. Here we go again!! Woo! 

Posted Jul 14, 2020   03:37:37 AM


Kylie Haymaker / Falls Church, Virginia, US


Pick up the phone...Hanson hotline? Where would a phone be? I'm looking at the archives for hotline. What could be related to a phone on here besides dms?

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:40:39 PM


Christina Signorile / Jackson, NJ, US


There's two references, I don't want to just give it away for those who want to figure it out....but there's a Hanson Hotline reference annnnd a song lyric reference, ONE of those two will get you the pin.

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:42:09 PM


Ya I'm trying both of those out already..hmm

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:43:21 PM

Omg. This is genius! 😂😂

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:45:09 PM


Lynsi Martin / Essington, PA, US

6 5 2 3 2 2 3 3 3

“Just pick up the phone & call me” ...where have you heard that before? When you find yourself alone? In song form? Where on hnet are the songs located? 

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:46:14 PM


Kylie Haymaker / Falls Church, Virginia, US


At this point, I'm trying all lyrics and see which one sticks the landing. Yay.

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:47:55 PM


Brittany Freeman / Harrisonburg, LA, US


Got it! :)

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:50:23 PM


Rachel Gallegos / Moreno Valley, California , US

I didn't even see this post this week before I figured it out 😂

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:51:26 PM


Kylie Haymaker / Falls Church, Virginia, US


Ahhhhhhhh, trying to think of songs that involve a phone.

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:51:57 PM


Zac Hanson / Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

I hope this one makes you all giggle a little when you get it, I know this was a major blast from the past for Isaac because he did all the origenal Hanson Hotline recordings. 😁✋

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:54:40 PM

,@zachanson oh it got me a good morning belly laugh(it's almost 7am here)

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:55:50 PM


Kylie Haymaker / Falls Church, Virginia, US


Had to use Google to help me out. But I got it. It gave me a bit of a laugh at one point when finding the clue, I will say that.

Posted Jul 13, 2020   10:57:45 PM


Kylie Haymaker / Falls Church, Virginia, US


Btw, I always find it fascinating hearing what it was like back then as a Hanson fan since I became a fan in late 2011 and I was a toddler during the hotline days.

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:00:34 PM


Found it!

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:01:48 PM


Kelli Cloud / Tazewell , Tennessee, US

I literally just laughed till I cried!! Lol. That was great!! 

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:04:30 PM


Emma Rickerby / Pegasus, Canterbury, NZ


Yay!! I got it!! 

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:06:41 PM


Ryann Austin / Sacramento, Ca, US

1 3

I don’t got it yet.. pin hint.

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:07:08 PM


Josee Villeneuve / Victoria, BC, CA

i got it. Ill admit i needed help so thank you fansons for being kind to me ❤🐤

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:09:42 PM


vanessa thin / Columbus, KS, US

omg it was   too clevarge     love it        thank u guys   got my pin 

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:13:50 PM


Morgen Fields / Owasso, OK, US


My dumb *** legit called the line

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:14:47 PM


Suzanne Larmark / Indianapolis, Indiana, US

This one is great! I was so happy to figure it out!  I’ve been searching.....searching for the _____

My favorite EP too! 

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:15:51 PM


Josee Villeneuve / Victoria, BC, CA

@morgen dont feel bad! I did too!!! 

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:16:34 PM


Chandra Lueth / Minocqua, WI, US

A giggle is exactly what you got out of me. Very cute, guys, thanks! ❤️ 

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:17:08 PM

I got the clue immediately but the surprise was awesome!

Posted Jul 13, 2020   11:21:45 PM

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