Hi, I’m Sarah!! I’m 37, wife to Jon and mother of three, WLE . MD native for 36 years, turned Virginian.  I am a Christian and a Freedom-Loving American Patriot :)  Homeschooling Mama :). 

~ Romans 12:2~

For ALL Truth on Covid:   COVID.DAYSTAR.COM

Favorite Hanson songs: Joy to the Mountain, I Will Come to You, A Minute Without You, Already Home, I Was Born, All I Know and Man from Milwaukee just to name a few....

Darryl: What’s wrong with a level playing field?

Michael: Do you think they should have had open auditions for the band Hanson? What if no one named Hanson showed up? That wouldn’t even make sense. Or what if they just hired the littlest kid and a 50-year-old guy who was a murderer? Really safe.

Jim: Oh, man, so many points being made.

Behind every cloud, there's a rainbow

Live Free or Die

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