I am a total geek and nerd. If I had unlimited money and could do anything I wanted, I would be a lifetime student. I love music, I'm a voracious reader, and also love wathcing films and TV. My husband and my family (parents, sibs, nieces and nephews, and great nieces and nepews) are my greatest blessings. They are all incredible people. I am the youngest of seven, and I am the only child who was unplanned :) My parents were 50 when I was born; my eldest brother was 23, and my youngest brother was 10. I am so happy to have both my parents still alive and well at 92. This December 22nd will be their 68th Wedding Anniversary. I have a B.F.A. in Theatre with emphasis in Acting and Directing, and I have a B.F.A. in Creative Writing from The College of Idaho. I actually had enough credits to have an English Lit degree as well, but C of I is a private liberal arts school and they would prefer something like Pre Med and Theatre. My areas were already too similar for C of I's tastes so I was given the choice of Creative Writing or English Lit. I am also a bit verbose as you can tell if you made it this far through my biography.