sam. fan since '97, when i was 6. find me in multifandom hell.
official site:
facebook: flowercrownbouncer photography
instragram: flowercrownbouncer
kakaotalk: lilmmmbopgal
youtube: flowercrownbouncer
twitter: lilmmmbopgal
flickr: flowercrownbouncer
tumblr: flowercrownbouncer
pinterest: flowercrownbouncer
november 5, 2003 - underneath acoustic tour - new york, ny - carnegie hall
march 10, 2004 - promo - hartford, ct - webster theatre
march 11, 2004 - promo - albany, ny - northern lights
july 19, 2004 - underneath 2004 tour - hyannis, ma - cape cod melody tent
july 20, 2004 - underneath 2004 tour - hampton, nh - casino ballroom
august 17, 2004 - underneath 2004 tour - wallingford, ct - oakdale theater
november 4, 2005 - live & electric tour - boston, ma - avalon
november 5, 2005 - live & electric tour - hampton, nh - casino ballroom
july 20, 2007 - the walk tour - providence, ri - lupo's heartbreak hotel
july 21, 2007 - the walk tour - boston, ma - avalon
september 24, 2007 - the walk tour - hartford, ct - webster theatre
april 22, 2008 - the walk 2008 tour - albany, ny - northern lights
april 26, 2008 - the walk 2008 tour - hampton, nh - casino ballroom
october 18, 2008 - walk around the world tour - foxborough, ma - showcase live
october 19, 2008 - walk around the world tour - foxborough, ma - showcase live
october 22, 2008 - walk around the world tour - hartford, ct - webster theatre
may 16, 2009 - members only event - tulsa, ok - tulsa little theater
august 3, 2009 - tinted windows - promo - boston, ma - paradise rock club
october 14, 2009 - use your sole tour - boston, ma - house of blues
october 16, 2009 - use your sole tour - albany, ny - northern lights
january 9, 2010 - tinted windows - hot stove cool music - boston, ma - house of blues
july 23, 2010 - shout it out tour - hyannis, ma - cape cod melody tent
july 24, 2010 - shout it out tour - cohasset, ma - south shore music circus
november 15, 2010 - shout it out tour - northampton, ma - calvin theatre
november 20, 2010 - shout it out tour - wallingford, ct - oakdale theater
march 4, 2011 - promo - princeton, ma - wachusett mountain
october 7, 2011 - musical ride tour - northampton, ma - calvin theatre
october 9, 2011 - musical ride tour - boston, ma - house of blues
february 14, 2012 - shout it out international tour - albany, ny - northern lights
august 31, 2013 - anthem world tour - boston, ma - house of blues
october 1, 2017 - middle of everywhere tour - boston, ma - house of blues
september 14, 2018 - promo - west springfield, ma - big e
november 10, 2018 - string theory tour - boston, ma - orpheum theatre
may 16, 2019 - hday - tulsa, ok - cain's ballroom
may 17, 2019 - string theory tour - tulsa, ok - tulsa pac
may 18, 2019 - hday - tulsa, ok - cain's ballroom
may 19, 2019 - hop jam - tulsa, ok
june 8, 2019 - promo - springfield, ma - mgm springfield
august 22, 2019 - promo - wilmington, de - the queen
august 23, 2019 - promo - timonium, md - maryland state fair
october 25, 2019 - promo - atlantic city, nj - caesars atlantic city
december 10, 2019 - wintry mix tour - new orleans, la - the fillmore

Samantha Mainville / Chicopee, MA, US