On May 6, 1994 in order to stay alive I had to make a decision to have surgery that would change my life forever. I needed a Tracheostomy to be ventilated at night time when I stopped breathing due to a severe case of Sleep Apnea caused by a birth defect called Arnold Chiari Malformation. I came home from the hospital and everything was different and scary, I was alive but what kind of life was it. Slowly but surely and with lots of knowledge and practice I learned how to cope. In 1997 things started to turn around. I became a Hanson fan! A bands music that effected me like no other, songs that helped me get through the toughest times, everything wasn't so lonely anymore and I didn't have to be afraid all the time. I found this new world on the internet, music to follow, friends to meet (some life long ones) fan clubs, forums to join and concerts to go to. My life wasn't all about medicine anymore and I was living, really living. I celebrate May 6th as my new life and Hanson Day too! I love it! Life begins with Hanson hence the concert t-shirt and username!!! And still to this day my friends and I go to every concert we can possibly go to in Canada. Its a blast! Road tripping to Hanson!!! Life can be amazing! Hanson is the best and now my next goal is going to Tulsa in May 2015 for Hanson Day weekend!!! I reached a 20 year milestone of having my trach and Hanson's music helped get me there so nothings stopping me now, Tulsa here I come, I can achieve it too! Thank You Hanson!