
Shanae Wiley / Randallstown, Maryland, US

Paper Topics on Business for You

  • A More Humane Company: The Future of Management

This undergraduate paper examines the future of management. The paper begins by examining the differences between management and leadership. The main body of the paper argues that changes in education will be the most important changes to management in the future, although changes in work and job-market structure as well as communications technology will be very significant. In your paper outline the specific changes in these areas that will help to do your homework and to write a better paper. That is, education of management will become more of an interdisciplinary process, perhaps more similar to what is currently seen in humanities education. Communications advances will mean faster access to data and thus faster decisions. Market changes will mean that fewer managers will be responsible for more. Finally, this paper speculates on the ways that these changes will affect the four elements of management - selecting, directing, evaluating, and rewarding - and concludes that experts’ ideas suggest that management will be more humane, effective and interactive in the future.

A helpful article for your paper: How to determine what influence this or that thing has on the environment?

  • A New Analysis of Leadership in the Management World of Today.

This paper will discuss the changes that are occurring in the way that management is running in today\'s business world. By understanding the need for sound leadership, we can understand why this is a lost art, and this is one of the most important elements of success in the business world. By managing with good leadership values, a company can help lead better, than the usual team-based methods of the past.

  • A Predictive Forecast of 30-Year Mortgage Interest Rates with Methodology.

An analysis of 30-year mortgage rates, and what the future predictions are for interest rates on these loans. By understanding the methodology for prediction in finding interest rates of this nature, we can see what patterns may shape this analysis

  • A Primer on Securitization.

This book report provides a comprehensive account of the term securitization from the masterpiece A Primer on Securitization. This magnum opus is a collection of fourteen lectures given by the founders and present experts in the related field that includes a thorough description of what securitization is about, how it functions and its influence on the way the demands of purchasers and businesses are fulfilled in the financial market. The following passages of this analytical research paper also address several issues relevant to the main topic as highlighted by Kendall and Fishman in their masterpiece.

  • A Product Assessment of the Pet rock, The Edsel, and the Crystal Pepsi.

This paper will discuss the whereabouts of such popular items as the Crystal Pepsi, the Pet Rock, and the Edsel to understand why the items are either gone or are still successful on the open markets. Writing a paper use research paper help that will help with better understanding the different elements that made these items syllable in the public marketplace, an analysis will be given to each of these items telling where they are today. 

More resources:

A List of Business Term Paper Topics

Business Essay Topics

Different Perusing Methodologies for Your Essay Exploration

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