What's Next For HANSON?

Jun 07, 2016 | ZacHanson

The next musical project we are releasing is going to be Play, but as we are nearly finished recording Play the logical question is always what’s next? 

During The State Of The Band talk at HANSON Day we shared some of our plans for the coming year.  For the next few weeks we will continue to share videos and photos from Loud.  This summer will be a little quiet partly because of the growth of my family, but in the fall we will be recording again.  Fans have asked us for years about a follow up to Snowed In, a second Christmas album.  This fall we will go into the studio with bells on (actual bells) and record a full length Christmas album we are calling A Wintery Mix.  Though it will not release until 2017 Hanson.net members will get to go behind the scenes as we record it this year.  2017 marks the 25th year of HANSON,  yeah that sounds crazy, but it is true! We are planning to celebrate our bands birthday in style (meaning wearing stylish furry hats) and taking the celebration on the road with a world tour all leading to the release of a brand new full-length album. 25/7.  We are not ready to announce where we will be heading just yet, but we plan to share the tour dates and locations soon enough for everyone to have plenty of time to make plans to come see as many shows as they would like.

25 years feels like a big moment, it feels like something worth remembering, and worth celebrating.  We have had so many high moments and plenty of rough patches along the way, many more then the world will ever know (until I get a book deal) but our connection to each other and our music and to all of you has pulled us through every time.  There is a lot to be thankful for, and a whole lot more to look forward to.

Forum Comments

Excited for that any plan to come to Europe next year..?..-Bernadine

Posted Jun 7, 2016   07:52:34 PM


Paola Rizzato / Glasgow, Scotland, GB


Will someone for the love of everything that is holy give this man a book deal? 

I want to read that book.

Posted Jun 7, 2016   02:56:04 PM

Do you have plan to cover more aswome songs..? I love you more to cover more awsome songs from the other band like you did thinking out loud is really suit to Taylor's voice I love your version than the original..I hope you will cover the song from Mr.big wild world that song really suit for Taylor's voice..:)..-Bernadine

Posted Jun 7, 2016   02:57:26 PM

Everything I do it for you from Bryan Adams..I love that song please come on Hanson cover that song..:)..-Bernadine

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:00:07 PM


Monica Di Zio / Pescara, Italy, IT

May I ask a question? Why telling us about the Christmas album in 2016 if it won't be released until fall 2017?

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:02:17 PM


Paola Rizzato / Glasgow, Scotland, GB


@Monica good question, I asked myself the same during SoTB...!

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:03:13 PM

Because people have been asking about a Christmas album for years, and recording (and making of streams) start this year, Why tell us about the next studio album if... okay, sorry... maybe I'm pushing the point

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:04:45 PM

@Paola Right? He should totally just self-publish. Traditional publishers take a fat cut, and a lot of their value is in marketing, because authors usually suck at promoting themselves. Hanson's fan base alone would eclipse most first-time authors' sales.

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:04:57 PM


francesca gulinatti / codogno, lo, IT

@monica Agreed.
I didn't get that the album for Christmas would be released in 2017... so 2 albums in 2017? weird..

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:05:45 PM


Ryann Austin / Sacramento, Ca, US

1 3

Hopefully tour in fall 2017.. So come to California, MD, Philadelphia,DC and VA too..

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:06:43 PM


jennifer Lyons / guin, Alabama, US

Congratulations on the new baby that is itself something to celebrate but 25 years as a band?! I mean WOW!! I am so happy to be a part of this wonderful community! It's all thanks to you guys!

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:06:54 PM


Alessandra Cordeiro / Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, BR

Loved the hat part!

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:08:05 PM


Lacey Tay / BigOle, Ms, US

MISSISSIPPI! Or close to it!!!

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:08:14 PM

I say three albums next year... studio album, Christmas album, and World Tour CD/DVD ... and memberkit... my CD stack is going to grow a little more

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:08:48 PM

I say three albums next year... studio album, Christmas album, and World Tour CD/DVD ... and memberkit... my CD stack is going to grow a little more

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:08:48 PM


Lacey Tay / BigOle, Ms, US


Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:09:55 PM

Not to be a nitpicker, but I don't see that he said the Christmas album would be released in fall of 2017, just simply 2017. So for all we know it might be released in January or February of 2017. 

Also -- I want to read that book too! 

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:22:45 PM


Beverley Ann Bowe / Durham, England, GB

6 1

I hope you guys come to the UK, anyway 2017 is gonna be a awesome year, love you guys, keep mmmboping x

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:25:35 PM


Paola Rizzato / Glasgow, Scotland, GB


@Kelly, it would fit - self-publishing would be the print equivalent of Hanson's 'indie' stance. You could offer your editing services ;)

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:32:25 PM

You all give so much of yourselves to us. We could not have asked for a more amazing band. Thank you to all 3 of you & to your patient families.

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:32:36 PM


Cecilia Carvalho / Fortaleza, Ceara, BR

Hurry up with that book, Mr! ;)

Can't wait to see everything you guys have in store for us! Particularly excited about the world tour!! Yay!

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:35:26 PM


Cecilia Carvalho / Fortaleza, Ceara, BR

Oh, and congrats on the new family member too! Tons of health <3

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:36:16 PM


Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:40:00 PM


Jennifer Walker / Newnan, Georgia, US


Zac - First Congratulations on the expansion of your family. May everything go smoothly and that you get to spend some quality time with the new addition and your family as a whole.

 Second: While quiet summer, please don't vanish. We all look forward to blogs whether they be news (like this one) or just random thoughts or random songs. 

Lastly: I shall be awaiting news/updates on all these musical projects as well as tour dates because I may very well try to hit more than 1 this go round! 

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:40:24 PM


isabela safira dos santos carmo / Ananindeua-PA, Pará, BR

ok, I saw here a list of good news.

I wish everything works as planned.

look at the front is very good.

Health and happiness to your new baby Hanson.

Posted Jun 7, 2016   03:42:20 PM

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