
Feb 18, 2016 | ZacHanson

When was the last time you worked a puzzle?  Up until this past Christmas for me it had been years.  My general association with puzzles had became one of discontent.  My only connection was probably finding the random piece when cleaning up the house.  

"Oh great! Another stray piece."

I like sets.  Maybe it is a drummer thing but having all the matching pieces, or completing a collection is something I can obsess over like no one else I know over the age of 10.  For Christmas my wife bought a 1000 piece puzzle.  It was a perfect activity to do over the holidays.  We set it up on the kitchen table and would work on it whenever.  It is such a simple job, matching shapes and colors but it requires focus and time, and that combination makes it incredibly satisfying.  By the time you finish that $15-50 bucks you spent is probably the best entertainment you have gotten all year (besides anything by HANSON ;).  So if you are still reading try it out. Go buy a puzzle.  I just bought another one cause... it’s fun!

NOTE: just keep it out of reach of the two year old

Forum Comments

Growing up we always had to keep a puzzle out and ready to work for when grandma came over. Now, as an adult I always feel like the house is a little cozier when there's a puzzle going, and it's a great way to keep your hands busy while your mind focuses on whatever little problems you need to think about.

But wouldn't a picture of candy bars be more fun to work than birds? :)

Posted Feb 18, 2016   04:39:26 PM


Kaitlin Walbright / Reynoldsburg, OH, US

all i got out of this: puzzles can now cost $50. 


Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:45:55 AM


Shannon Groves / Ames, Iowa, US

And cats -__- They can smell a puzzle from a mile away and are more than content to destroy all of your hard work

Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:46:19 AM


Sara Steines / Black River Falls, WI, US

i enjoy puzzles when i know all the pieces are there... my dog tends to steal unattended puzzle pieces and eat them...keeps it interesting though.  i caught her stealing pieces last night even from the game cupboard that someone left open. :)

Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:50:50 AM


Arielle Marcum / Enterprise, Oregon, US

This blog gets me motivated to start my new one I bought a couple weeks ago. 

Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:52:44 AM


Zac Hanson / Tulsa, Oklahoma, US

ya I saw a $50 puzzle at the store.  It was 7000 pieces.

Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:54:40 AM

The real challenge is when you buy one of those double-sided puzzles! 

Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:55:11 AM

Puzzling: my way to slow down and breath calmly ! Training patience too! <3

Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:55:38 AM


María Gabriela Florit / Córdoba, Córdoba, AR

Puzzling = relaxing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted Feb 18, 2016   10:59:53 AM


Holly Frees / Nashville, TN, US

I like doing puzzles,but my current house doesn't have a good out-of-the-way place to keep one out, and I hate the clutter. Dilemma.

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:00:20 AM


Add this to your merch line.

Hanson puzzles.

The possibities are endless!

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:02:10 AM


Suze Robertson / Dallas, TX, US

Have you seen the eternal puzzle? ....word on the street is if your able to solve it there's a million dollar pay out ;) at least that's what it was a few years ago when the enternal puzzle ll came out .Ive read a lot of brave people have attempted it and got stuck at 150 pieces because they couldn't fit the rest of them into the frame .... 

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:04:47 AM


Arielle Marcum / Enterprise, Oregon, US

Hanson jigsaw puzzles would be fun!

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:05:46 AM

Suze -- you mean this

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:06:54 AM



I love puzzles!  We haven't done one recently, but they are very relaxing.  I picked up a round one a while back and never got around (no pun intended) to putting it together...  I don't know how relaxing that 7000 piece one would be though,...more like frustrating...

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:11:04 AM



P.S.  Now that's one birdhouse I could probably put together...  :)

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:13:48 AM

We did one at the Y yesterday

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:16:34 AM


Suze Robertson / Dallas, TX, US

@Amy yup as of 2014 the puzzle still is unsolved ;) 

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:25:41 AM


Cecilia Carvalho / Fortaleza, Ceara, BR

The best thing is to gather the family around it!! It's been a while though... Maybe I should buy a new one (:

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:38:01 AM


Amanda Robison / Advance, Missouri, US

Does puzzle apps on my phone count? Haha

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:40:38 AM

Strangely enough, my parents bought my husband and I a puzzle this Christmas, too. We also found that we really enjoyed it! We have just started a second one of a pretty underwater scene, but haven't had as much time to work on it, so it's still unfinished. 

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:42:16 AM


Tara Stringer / Lindsay, Ontario, CA

A Hanson puzzle? :) 

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:45:29 AM

I love puzzles, but like Holly mentioned, I don't really have a place to do one right now. I had a puzzle app on my phone a while ago, but I deleted it because there were no more free puzzles :( haha.

Posted Feb 18, 2016   11:49:59 AM

I love it. Sometimes I work online puzzles and since I also teach kids we work puzzles quite often during the classes.

Posted Feb 18, 2016   12:12:00 PM


michelle wilson / York, SC, US

I used to love puzzles as a kid and i used to get my girls new puzzles every christmas but I too was always finding random pieces everywhere so this year I didn't buy any. Then I heard my youngest asking how come santa forgot the puzzles this year ooops i have played some puzzles online though

Posted Feb 18, 2016   12:43:36 PM

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