Customer Service

In order to better meet the needs of our fans, our Customer Service system has recently changed.

Please refer to the new help/faq section before submitting a form for answers to the most common questions

Please note: If you use hotmail, gmail, yahoo, AOL or comcast email services, please add all emails to your white (approved) list and be sure to check your spam folder for Customer Service replies.

If you are having trouble logging in, please use the 'Forgot Password' link to reset your password.

Choose only ONE form per issue. Filling out multiple forms for one issue will delay any response.

Please no personal requests (i.e. autographs, videos, appearances, M&Gs, etc). Requests of this type cannot and will not be responded to.

We do not accept outside advertisements, guest posts or articles for our website. Requests of this type cannot and will not be responded to.